Monday, March 4, 2013

Let the Planning Begin!

You're probably here because you receive the save the date for my 40th birthday party in October!  I actually started planning months ago, but you know I love to plan a party!

At this point, here's what I know -- there will be some kind of something on Friday, super casual and optional.  Probably a hospitality suite at the hotel.  The actual birthday part on Saturday night and a brunch gathering on Sunday.  Plan your travel accordingly.

Check back here regularly to get more details about the party and everything that's being planned.

Some questions you may have:
  • Where should I stay?
  • I'm not familiar with Chicago's public transportation?
  • What should I do when I'm in town?
  • What if I get hungry -- where should I eat?
  • What should I wear?
  • Isn't it cold in Chicago?  How cold will it be?
  • What do you have planned for us?  Where should I be and what time should I be there? 
Of course, you can always email me if you have any questions.

I can't wait to see you!

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