Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How Adventerous Are You?

If you want to shake it up a little bit and shack up with some of your friends for the weekend, check out AirBnB.  Have you heard of it?  I've wanted to use AirBnB when we travel to San Francisco, but it's just never worked out.

Basically, it's like either staying with a friend or having your own condo in Chicago.  You can rent a room in someone place or rent a whole place.  It's very cool and I highly recommend that you check it out.  If you're sharing the place with someone else or another couple it could definitely save you some cashola.

I mean, how cute is this place?   It sleeps four and is only $175 a night.  What a deal.

This place is kinda swanky for $225 a night.

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